
Parent Teachers Association

Executive Board 



Everllaliz Lopez

Vice President

Tijuan Harris


Kladys Ruiz

Tanya Wiggins


Latoya Hogan

People Sitting around table

Contact Us





(718) 359-0620 

Ext. 1382

Upcoming PTA Meeting

PTA Meetings are held on

the Second Wednesday of each month,

Start time: 8:30 AM


P.T.A. Meeting Dates


At PS 201, our meetings are held once a month. They will always be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Below are our PTA meeting dates:

P.T.A. Meeting Dates


At PS 201, our meetings are held once a month. They will always be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Below are our PTA meeting dates:

SLT Meeting Dates, Agendas and Minutes 2022-2023

At PS 201, our meetings are held once a month. The meetings are held in our school library. Meetings begin at 4:00pm.

Below are SLT meeting dates for the 2022-2023 school year:

Chancellor's Regulation A-660

The Chancellor's Regulation A-660 (CR A-660) governs all aspects of PA/PTAs including elections, finances, conflicts of interests, grievances, fundraising activities and events. It is essential that all members of a school's PA/PTA board read the CR A-660 and are familiar with the overview of the regulations. 

The Chancellor's Regulation page has the CR A-660 in all nine covered languages.

PA/PTA in New York CIty

An overview of the PA/PTA in New York City Public Schools: